Letter from the Superintendent 7-22-2024
It is always an exciting time when a new school year is about to begin. The staff at Colmesneil ISD is confident that the 2024-2025 school year will be full of opportunities for all students to grow academically, emotionally and socially. Teachers have prepared classrooms that are welcoming and support the learning needs of all students. Security has been reviewed at all levels so that students and staff have a safe environment that is continually monitored.
We are very proud of our new track that is ready for competition and hosting meets. Currently, plans are being developed to renovate our Agriculture Education Building which will provide our students with a fully updated classroom and work area for welding and construction projects. Additional covered walkways have been constructed to keep students out of the weather as they transfer between campuses and to the bus loading area. Every classroom and working area have been cleaned and sanitized so that our buildings provide a healthy environment for students and staff. Projects are always ongoing to upgrade our facilities and grounds.
Coach Brian Ramsey will be the new Athletic Director to lead our Bulldogs and Lady Bulldogs to victory. He has a full staff of competent and experienced coaches that will encourage our athletes to be the best they can be not only during competition but also through their academic journey. Our new instructional staff have been chosen carefully to ensure our students receive the best education available. The district is providing continual staff development to support teachers emphasizing differentiated curriculum that will provide learning strategies to meet the needs of all students. During the summer, teachers were required to complete 19 hours of staff development in addition to what will be offered during their return to the district.
During the upcoming year, each campus will be scheduling special events for parents and the community. We encourage each of you to attend these events which support our students and give you the opportunity to see the great things that are going on at the campus level. Keep in mind that for security reasons you may be asked for identification when attending school events. Informational District level meetings will be held to keep parents informed of the federal and state instructional programs that will be available this year. Various committees are being assembled to meet all the new state requirements related to school safety, Title IX discrimination, Site Based Decision Making (SBDM) teams and Student Health Advisory Council (SHAC). We are also asking parents to join the PTO at both campuses to help plan events for students and staff. If you are interested in serving on a committee, please contact the campus principals or the superintendent.
I am proud to be serving Colmesneil ISD as the Superintendent. If I can assist you in any way, please contact me.
Sharon Tule