What is Cyberbullying? Formally, we define it as “willful and repeated harm inflicted through the use of computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices.
Willful: The behavior has to be deliberate, not accidental.
Repeated: Bullying reflects a pattern of behavior, not just one isolated incident.
Harm: The target must perceive that harm was inflicted.
Computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices: This, of course, is what differentiates cyberbullying from traditional bullying
HB 1942 Texas Law against CyberBullying
What does CyberBullying look like?
insulting, harassing, humiliating, embarrassing, threatening wall posts.
slam pages via profile, blog site, YouTube, etc.
pic placed on voting site.
profile on anonymous response site (
insulting/harassing emails, IM's, texts.
fake profiles for humiliation.
fake profiles for fake relationships.
digital correspondence nurturing "fake" friendship, then turn & burn [Ryan Halligan].
"Trolling" - provoking others into desired emotional response (push buttons) [Alexis Pilkington].
"Flaming" - "subtle" trolling that induces emotionally intense convo [gaming].
Why do people CyberBully?
Think it's funny.
Think it's not a big deal.
Can't fathom the consequences.
Prodded by friends.
Think everybody does it.
Think they won't get caught.
Who gets CyberBullied?
20% of 10-18 year olds.
Marginalized students.
Social opponents/threats.
Of those who've been CyberBullied...
45.5% felt Angry.
31% said it didn't bother them.
69% were emotionally affected - Therefore, we must help youth develop positive coping skills.